Tuesday, June 29, 2010

From Frost to Fog

As I headed into Alexandra on Sunday, I stopped to get some pictures of a nearby dam.   At this end of the valley the frost had gone and the fog was thick but I still managed to get a few snaps - with a little more time and consideration, you could pull of some really nice stuff.

Winter willowsjpg

Dam 1

In really cold years the dam freezes over and there are some swans that hang out there too, so a bit of time and they could be part of something nice.  This spot joins my photour list.  Best of all it's ten minutes away from some of the best cashew chocolate brownies in all New Zealand.  I'd tell you where, but it's the kind of photographic expertise I'm charging people for.

Dam Fog

I snatched a quick cup of coffee and one of those heavenly brownies in Alexandra and headed for the Ida Valley via Ophir. Ophir's historic buildings make it a no-brainer for photography, so I whizzed through without stopping for pictures. A few km down the road, I got a quickie of this rabbiter's hut for the record.

Rabbiters Rest

From here, the Ida valley was just over the hill, and the ice on the wire told me that I might just be in for something special... a Maniototo hoar frost. I couldn't wait to get over there.

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