Paul has been cutting his film at home. The backdrop was a little busy with all those books, but I needed to expose for the ambient light level, so that the editing screens behind him would be visible. Film-maker in front of edit gear... it's such a cliche, but you have to cover the bases, These pictures were just a start, I'm looking forward to shooting him in more... anatomical surroundings soon.
The deadline has closed for Strobist Boot Camp II assignment 1, and the standard of entries is pretty high. I'll be happy enough if my shot of Boog doesn't get rejected, since it's quite a bit looser than the traditional head shot the assignment called for. I can't wait to see who's picture was judged the best - and of course what assignment 2 is going to be.
I've also been involved in a new project with some fellow Dunedin photographers. Not a lot more to say about that yet, except that the group is called The Light Brigade.
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