The directional light and narrow depth of field were pleasing but just like with regular photography, the subject needed some fill or bounce light to bring out the detail in the shadow area. The great thing about macro is that your reflector can be pocket-sized.
That's my HTC Magic phone on the right, bouncing light back onto the 'shroom. Worked a treat. Think I'll stash some white cloroplast in my bag, handy for next time. Of course it wasn't until much later that I noticed the little mite crawling around on the fungus. I didn't shoot anything to give a sense of scale, but the 'shroom is about the height of a match. I guess it's as big as an apartment block to that mite.
Next I experimented with the tiny fern tips from the forest floor, placing them on a live leaf like I'd seen on my last expedition. A little contrived looking, but I like the result. This was an exercise in background management. Every time I took a shot I'd notice yet another bit of background distraction.
By the time I'd discovered some dead leaf skeletons, it was getting dark and time to head home for a meal. These were a great find, and something I definitely want to work on in future.
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